Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We will be sharing the wonderful projects we are working on in our delightful Waldorf inspired school.
You will notice that much of the handwork will evolve and build upon itself as the children move along on their crafting Journeys.
The first pictures show the first graded felt rope, felt bead and the the larger felt balls that have jingle bells in the middle.
We will build upon these basic skills in our next class to start making people and animals.
Kids love the feel of the wool.
The crafts are wonderful because all you need is carded wool, soap & warm water.

These are little lambs we made with the first grade class. We used carded wool and pipe cleaners.
We wrapped the wool around. They look great on the nature table.
The Children had a blast making them.

First Time Wet Felting for 3rd grade

They are working on the animal kingdom now. We decided to do felt inlay pictures. They all did a squid in the ocean. Each squid is so Unique. They have really been working hard on these pieces and I can't wait to show pictures of the completed pieces.
Ms. Liz did the earth heart.
After we felt these further we may sew a wool backing to make pillows or they could just frame them to hang as art on the wall.